Hi there new subscriber!

Why the F*ck should you subscribe to some unknown dude’s newsletter on the internet? Because it’s something new and I promise it’s going to be entertaining, maybe even eye opening and you could, dare I say it, even learn a thing or two.

Why? Because I’ve actually been working as a reporter/editor/journalist for large Dutch media outlets. I’ve been covering tech, cars, games, entertainment and much, much more. So you could say I’ve been around and got some knowledge on stuff.

That being said, I do have my own, often contrasting, idea’s on topics. And this is a way to share those with you, my dear new subscriber.

So if you want to get a weekly (or so) fresh breeze of words in you mailbox, you could try writing yourself some cool emails, or you could subscribe to this Substack-newsletter-thingy.

I promise I won’t spam you with stupid shit.

Oh, and now that we’re at it, take a look at my Dutch website Nitch.nl. I get told it’s a fun and good looking website.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.


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Interesting and alternative views on cars, games, tech and booze, because they go so well together.


Again, NO, I'm not the producer for the Grand Tour Amazon Show.